Thursday, January 03, 2008

is it new year or what?
hmmm? hmmmm? hmmmmmmmm?

hello 2008.
im gonna be 19 this year.
is that fuckin old or what?
hmmm? hmmmm? hmmmmmmmm?

application for higher nitec = closed
i didnt apply for anything yet.
"still need permission from my elder sister" crap
its my life,
my education,
my future.
why should she take part in that?
why cant i decide on my own like she did 4 years ago?
im not asking for anyone's money.
i just need a year to save the fees for private school.
a year's not really long.
look how 2007 just flew out my window?
"2007 travelled at the speed of light like in some comic"

well, speaking of 2007
i kind of miss it.
2007 was a pleasant year for me.
all the memories shared among a bunch of friends.
i dont know what's in store for me this 2008.
i hope it'd be good stuff
but i think my good years are those ending with an odd number.
2005? 2007?
hmmm? hmmmm? hmmmmmmmm?

now, i need a job.
job is in need of me.
so which/what will it be?

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